Thursday, June 3, 2010

1st Weekly Summer Outing with Cousins!

I love it that 3 out of my 4 sisters and my mom are pretty much off all summer with me. (Mom does work, but she plans her schedule around what we are doing so she doesn't miss a thing!) We get together once a week, sometimes more if there is something special going on, and take the kids to do something fun together.

This week we headed to the City Garden in downtown St. Louis. It was so much fun and so relaxing! There are a TON of pictures from our day. We had such a blast and little Dane was soooo cute that I just had to share our fun time!

Dane loved the water!

Trey jumped into the big fountain.
Who wouldn't love a fountain that you can jump right into?
Laney took Dane in for a minute, but he was happier just sitting near the little sprinklers.
He would laugh everytime the water would come up.

Where did it go??
Even when it shot back up he loved it!

Claire and Dane playing together
Laney came to sit with Dane for a minute.

Claire and Dane just hanging out by the sprinklers
We brought some snacks,
but ended up staying so long
that we got hamburgers from a little stand and had a little picnic.
Claire and Dane sharing some crackers.
Still snacking!
Claire is looking a little sleepy.
Trey and Laney still playing away!
Dane had lunch and was ready for a nap.
Changed into dry clothes and he was out before we got to the car!

Seriously one of the best things I have seen in a while. The kids had a blast, it was so peaceful you would never know you were in the middle of downtown St. Louis, it was beautiful, it was nice and clean, policemen walked the park the whole time we were there just kind of hanging out and watching the kids play, and it was free!

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