I told Dave right before Easter that one of the craziest times of the year was getting ready to start....the last month of school. Little did I know we would have a couple of surprises to deal with as well........needless to say we are ALL ready for summer vacation.

If things come in threes Dane should be good to go for a while!
The day before Easter Break started Dane had a little fall on the concrete. He had a trip to the Urgent Care Center and they glued his forehead together. He was really happy when they gave him stickers of Thomas the Train.

Two weeks after that happened I was taking him to daycare and noticed his face getting red as we drove into town. When we got to Tracey's I thought he felt a little warm. Tracey took his temperature and he had a low grade fever of 100.1. Thankfully Dave was able to come get him. After lunch and a very short nap Dave took Dane's temperature again and it was 101.9 even after having Tylenol only 2 hours before. He called the Dr. and they headed to their appointment. By the time they got there Dane's temperature was 103.7 Turned out the little guy tested positive for Strep Throat. He spent the rest of the week home with Dave.
He looks so cute, but you can tell he doesn't feel well.

After two days of
Amoxicillian he was feeling better and he was so happy. We continued the antibiotic for the next week and had about one dose left on Wednesday night. When we were giving Dane a bath I noticed some spots on his belly. It was right at his waistband, which is where he always gets heat rash so we
assumed that was what it was. I even called Tracey to see if she had noticed it and she said she saw it when she changed his diaper right after coming in from playing outside and thought it looked like
heat rash as well. So we put the little guy to bed. Thursday morning he woke up totally speckled! We called our pediatrician and they wanted us to bring him up right away. Turns out Dane had an allergic reaction to
Our speckled little man.

By Friday morning he had already started to fade a little. The rash didn't bother him at all. He was so happy. Friday afternoon I got off work at 12:30, picked Dane up from daycare, met Dave, and we headed to St. Louis once again, but this time it was for my Dr. appointment. Aunt Kara met us and Dane went to go play with Claire for a bit. My Dr. appointment went great. Our next
appointment is on June 3rd and we have our big ultrasound. Dave, Dane, and I went to Target to pick up a few necessities and then went to have dinner at
Right next to
Chevys was a hair salon so we went over after dinner and got Dane's haircut.
He looks so cute!

Dane fell asleep about 7:15 as we headed home. We had a relaxing afternoon and evening together. Now only 9 days of school left! Boy are we ready!!
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