Saturday morning Dave, Dane, and I headed up to Kirkwood for the Annual Greentree Parade and Festival. I have so many memories of going to the parade and festival with my mom and grandma and then later walking in the parade as a Pom Pon girl and hanging out at the park all weekend with my friends. I was excited to take Dane to the parade and festival this year.
Last year Dane went when he was just 2 months old.

We missed watching the parade with Mama. Mama and Papa had their high school reunion all weekend so they weren't able to come this year.
Dane took a little nap in the truck on the way up.

We found a nice spot towards the beginning of the parade route.

Dane heard something coming down the street.

He liked to watch the motorcycles, except when they got a little too loud.

This firetruck was quite a bit bigger than the truck Dane has seen at Daddy's firehouse.

Kirkwood Pioneers!

The Marching Pioneers were leading the Pom Pon girls and we got so excited.......

Taylor was marching in her first Greentree Parade as a
Kirkwood High School Pom Pon girl!

She smiled big as she performed in front of us.

Not far behind Taylor was Delaney and Darnel walking with Delaney's dancing school.

She was excited to see us.
Dane watched Uncle Darnel all the way down the street as he passed.

The Clydesdales!
We were surprised to see them. We had heard they wouldn't be in any more parades.

Watching the big Clydesdales go down the street.

Dave thinks this would be a fun job to have.

Mommy and Dane watching the parade

Having a little snack in his stroller

When a float he liked would go by he would sit up and check it out.

Dane moved quickly from being held, to his stroller, to standing.

The Bubblebus that Dane loves!

And finally, Robinson Elementary School with Trey and Aunt Amy.

Trey was riding in the truck so we missed his picture, but Aunt Amy came to say hi.

After the parade ended we went to the park.
We got hot dogs for lunch.

Trey and Dane were excited to see each other.

I had to get a picture of Trey since I missed him in the parade.

We ate, watched Delaney and Taylor perform, and looked at some craft booths before heading out of the park. It was starting to get warm. We went by Mama and Papa's for a bit to say hi. Papa and Aunt Katie were home. Mama was at a luncheon with her high school friends. Dane hung out with Papa for a while and showed Aunt Katie the sign language he learned from Tracey at daycare. He showed her "more" several times so she ended up sharing her lunch with him.
We stopped by the mall on our way home.
Daddy let Dane ride in the firetruck at the mall.
After the mall we headed home. Dane took a nap in the truck. We BBQed and watched football. It was our first Saturday night at home since July! We enjoyed relaxing!
Next weekend things start getting busy, busy, busy again!