Sunday, September 12, 2010

Our Weekend

Our weekend was nothing like we had planned, but that was ok because it was a lot of fun!

A couple of weeks ago I made an appointment for a checkup. It was in St. Louis at 4:00 this past Friday. I mentioned it to Dave and suggested we all go up. Since it was Friday we could shop and have dinner.

About a week ago Dave told me that he had a fundraising event for the Lake Forest Fire Department in St. Louis on Saturday so maybe we could just spend the night at my parent's house Friday night after my appointment.

On Wednesday I called my mom and told her we would be spending the night. She told me she was working with Children's Hospital Saturday at the St. Louis Zoo and that maybe Dane and I might want to come down. She then told me about the Kirkwood Dance Saturday night.

So Friday afternoon Dave, Dane, and I headed to St. Louis. We planned to spend the night and go to the zoo Saturday and the dance and then put Dane in his pjs and head home in the late evening.

Friday evening we hung out at Mama and Papa's and had pizza and salad. Saturday morning Dave went to the fundraiser. Dane slept in a little, then Aunt Katie came over to meet us to go to the zoo. It wasn't real sunny, but it wasn't rainy or really hot either. We stopped and saw Mama, then strolled around the zoo for a while before going back to meet Mama for lunch before we headed home.

Saturday evening Mama and Papa feed Dane dinner at their house while Dave and I went out for dinner by ourselves. We met Mama, Papa, Dane, Aunt Amy, Uncle Darnel and the kids at the dance after we ate. The dance was in the parking lot of the City Hall. The weather was nice and we listened to music and hung out. Dane had a ball!

Playing with the table decorations!
Snuggling with Daddy while listening to music
The Bubble Bus!
Laney got her face painted and glowed!
Trey didn't want it on his face, but got some on his arms.
Trying to catch bubbles with Daddy!
Mama and the grandkids!
Then our plans changed again! About nine o'clock Dave and I looked at each other and both said, "I am so tired." Since we were both so exhausted we decided to stay at Mama and Papa's again Saturday night.
Sunday I helped my mom with some stuff for her class reunion next weekend, Dave watched football and Dane played. Aunt Katie was around for a bit and Aunt Amy, Uncle Darnel, and the kids all came by. It turned out to be a full Sunday! Papa even had to go to the store because Dane finished off their milk and Mama wanted an ice cream treat to give the grandkids.
Sweet Delaney is always helping Dane.
Mama and Papa always have snacks for the grandkids. Dane has recently discovered that they are kept in the pantry. The pantry has double doors that open and Dane will either go stand by the doors and point or if they are cracked just a bit he notices and will go open both doors and stand in the pantry looking around like he is shopping! Thank goodness he hasn't discovered the bubble gum machine that Mama and Papa have yet!

Today Dane loved playing with this little wagon. He loaded it up with different things and would pull it around the house. I am going to have to look for one of these. He loved it! He has no pants on in this picture because he had just eaten an entire ice cream sandwich and had quite a bit on him as well!

We finally arrived home about 4:00 this afternoon. I have been busy doing all of the things I planned to do all day!

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