Dave and I went to the Dr. on Friday. We were able to have an ultrasound and hear the baby's heartbeat. We got a pretty good picture of the baby and can easily see the head, eye sockets, arms, and trunk. The heartbeat was 165. Dr. Jostes moved my due date up from October 27th to October 24th. We have our big ultrasound on June 3rd. It seems like a long way off right now, but with the last day of school only 26 days away I am sure time will go by faster than I think!

Sweet baby Dane seems to be growing up right before our eyes. He is talking up a storm and trying so many things.
Swinging on the big swing with Delaney's help. After he did this at Mama and Papa's he only wants to swing on the big swing when we got to the park now.

Waiting to brush his teeth after bathtime.

Reading books in the rocking chair in his bedroom.

He looks so big when I take him to daycare and he sits down to have breakfast with all of his friends. Tracey sends me pictures during the day, which I love!

Loves his Daddy and Dane days!
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