Once again this year we were able to be my parent's guests at the Forest Park Forever Fall Family Fest. It was Sunday, October 16
th and it was a gorgeous day out.
This is a picture of Dane two years ago at his first Forest Park Family Fest.
He slept during most of it.

Our last picture of our family of 3, less than 24 hours before Reese joined us.

There were family pictures, food, crafts, a petting zoo, games, and pony rides. As you can see from the pictures below Dane loved the pony rides and the petting zoo the most.
His time on the pony

Petting the Alpacas and Llamas

Checking out the chickens

The owner said the kids could get in the fenced area.
Dane wanted right in.

After we took time to do a craft, play on the playground, and have snacks Dane was ready for another pony ride.

We look forward to this every year. Next year Reese will be just about a year old and ready to join in the fun.
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