I can't believe summer is over. The boys just got up and we snuggled on the couch, all of us still in our pjs. I have a list a mile long. Some things I have to do before tomorrow morning when the boys and I head out the door at 6:50 a.m. as we start back to our "school year routine", some have to be done by Wednesday night when we have Open House at school, some by Friday, our first day or school, and others are things I hoped to get done this summer, but that didn't happen.
Though my to do list is still long, we have had a great summer. We have loved waking up to Reese as our alarm clock, having "pj days", snuggling on the couch with Dane during nap time, staying up a bit later to finish a movie, taking late afternoon rides (so that Mommy can get a Diet Mountain Dew), playing outside in the evenings, taking walks, and running through the sprinkling or sliding on the slip n slide. We have spent afternoons building race tracks and train tracks and have baked "special treats", as Dane calls them. Dane's love of baseball and golf have grown. Reese loved watching his big brother.

I am still a little behind with blogging, but hope to be catching up soon! I am also working on a photo book of all of our summer activities. As I was preparing to work on the photo book I started a list of everything that we have done this summer.....Wow, it's alot! Some days Dane would wake up and ask me, "We going somewhere today mommy?" If I said yes I would hear the following questions MANY, MANY times! "Is it in St. Louis? Are Mama and Papa coming? Do I get to see Trey and LuLu? Will Baby Trey come too? Is Claire Bear going to be there? Can we sleep at Mama and Papa's house tonight?"

Dane loved all of our outings. He would have such a blast and would just run and laugh and just enjoy doing anything I planned. Reese was just so chill. He would hang out in his stroller, look around, and usually nap a bit. We often planned trips that involved heading out in the morning, before it got too hot. We would eat lunch and then head home. Usually my trips home were very quiet as both boys were fast asleep. Regardless if we came back here or went to my mom and dad's, the boys naps would usually last a couple of hours and I could recover from our morning out. When I was resting I would often think.....I am this tired and I only have one moving around. The other one is contained in the stroller.....watch out next summer!
And so, this summer we have:
***Played at the Lake Forest Beach
***Rode the Amtrak Train from Kirkwood Station to Union Station
***Susson Park Petting Zoo (several times)
***Played Dodge Ball with the big boys at Trey's Birthday Party
***Had a BBQ with extended family
***Visited with Dave's Aunt Gail and Uncle Virgil from North Carolina
***Had many family BBQs
***Spent the day with Deanna, Luke, and Brody
***Played at Sugar Creek Park
***Zoo (many times)
***Race for a Cure
***Lake Forest Playground (many times)
***Farm Day at Susson Park
***Lake Forest Pool (many times)
***Sleepover at Trey's house
***Welcomed Baby Trey to the family
***4th of July Carnival
***4th of July Fireworks
***4th of July BBQ
***4th of July Parade
***Blueberry Festival at Daily Bread
***Swimming at Mama and Papa's house
***Wild Bird Sanctuary presentation at Kirkwood Library
***Downtown Kirkwood Outdoor Concert
***Celebrated Dane's birthday
***Had Aunt Katie, Taylor, LuLu, and Trey spend the night
***Went out on the boat
***Had Cousin Camp
***River City Rascals
***Hawn State Park
***Grants Farm
***Several sleep overs at Mama and Papa's house
***Watched Reese go from scooting to crawling!
***Watched Dane go from diapers to underwear!
We have had some fun times! It went by too fast!
As I got the boys' things ready to take to Tracey tomorrow Dane told me he was excited to see Tracey and his friends. At the beginning of the summer he would ask me everyday, "Is it still summer? Do you have to go to work?" He might be kind of ready to head back to his school year routine. I am sure time will continue to fly by. We are already filling up our calendar with some fun Fall activities....Back to School BBQ with family, Football Games, Disney on Ice, Wedding activities and wedding, and Reese's First Birthday!