Friday, August 3, 2012

Wow! Do I Really Have a 3 Year Old and a 9 Month Old!

I have a hard time believing that my baby boys are 3 years old and 9 months old!  These two boys are my pride and joy!  I remember laying in bed one night when I was pregnant and thinking, "Am I going to know what to do with a boy?"  Now I live in a house of boys and I can't imagine life any different.  I grew up with four sisters and one brother.  I grew up surrounded by pink, Barbie Dolls, Baby Dolls, and teaparties.  Now my days are filled with trucks, balls, race cars, sirens, and loud noises.  The time is going so fast.  Things are crazy busy.  I go to bed exhausted and wake up still tired every day.  I rarely sit down during dinner because someone is always needing something.  BUT........We are having the time of our lives with these two cuties!

3 years Old
July 21, 2012
It has been such a fun year with Dane.  This year he has proven to me that he is ALL BOY!  I can't believe how much he has grown up.  He talks ALL.THE.TIME!  I love it that he can tell me about his day and have little conversations with me.  His love of firetrucks has grown even bigger over the year.  He constantly makes siren sounds.  He loves to "race" with me.  He will tell me that he wants to wear his running shoes so that he can go faster.  Dane is so sweet to his baby brother, Reese, well, most of the time.  He likes to hold him and play with him.  He tells me the very second he hears Reese wakes up.  Reese lights up the minute he sees Dane come into his room in the morning.  Dane loves and admires his cousin, Trey, more and more everyday.  He constantly asks me, "Can I see Trey today?"  Dane has loved our summer adventures.  He loves animals and any chance to be outside.  We love our wild, rambunctious, sweet, little boy!

9 Months Old
July 17, 2012

Reese was 9 months old on July 17, 2012!  He is growing so fast!  Reese is longer than Dane was at 15 months old and just two ounces lighter than Dane was at 15 months old.  It seems he is taking after his Daddy.  Reese is the happiest baby ever!  He is constantly smiling and laughing.  He loves to watch Dane play and dance.  Reese is keeping me busy, busy, busy!  He is now crawling all over the house and will follow Dane wherever he goes.  Reese will pull up on anything and will cruise around a little bit.  He was so flexible this summer.  He was so content to go on our summer outings with us.  He was happy as can be when we were out and then when we were home he fell right back into his routine.  Reese is STILL working on his first tooth, but we finally caught sight of the tip of it yesterday.  He has been pretty happy throughout the whole teething ordeal, but we are all ready to see a toothy little smile.

My sweet, little family!

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