Saturday we went down to Jackson, Missouri to ride the Santa Express with Mama, Papa, Aunt Amy, Uncle Darnel, Aunt Kara, and all the kids.
Dane was so excited and Reese was in such a happy mood. We were so excited about the day!
It was chilly so Reese wore his new hat.
He looked so cute!
We got on the train and the boys were all smiles.
Aunt Kara made some Polar Express mix for all of the kids (marshmallows, Golden Grahams, and chocolate chips)
Aunt Ashley and Uncle T.J. couldn't come, but Trey was able to come along anyway!
Baby Trey checking out his Polar Express mix.
The kids gathered at one table.
Reese hung out on Daddy's lap a lot.
Reese loved looking at everything.
We heard footsteps on the roof and everyone thought it was Santa's reindeer landing.
Next thing we knew Santa was coming on the train.
Daddy and Reese
Once the train got moving there were a lot of activities for the kids.
Dane got his face painted like Rudolph.
We played Christmas Bingo and Dane won a cute Polar Express ornament.
More Bingo...
Waiting for the conductor to come punch his ticket.
Reese just loved Dane's red nose.
We had a sing along and Dane and Trey got red blocks to hit on the table as we sang.
Reese hung out with Papa for a little bit.
He got some bells to ring during the sing along.
Finally it was our turn to see Santa.
We tried to get a group shot.......
Santa read the Polar Express and the kids went and got Hot Chocolate.
Dane's was a little hot, so he kept blowing on it.
Santa then had to leave and he went running out the back of the train!
This is the second year we have been on this Santa Express and we love it!
The kids had the best time.
It wore our little guys out!