Monday morning Dane and I headed up to St. Louis to meet Mama, Great Grandma, Aunt Kara, and Claire at Suson Park. It wasn't as hot as it has been, which was nice!
The group hanging out by the lake and watching the ducks.

Dane hanging out with his grandmas.

Dane loves to look at animals so Suson Park was perfect for him. It was his first time being up close to such big cows and horses. He would just stare at them.

Claire and Dane checking out the goats.

Claire loves animals that are smaller than her so she loved the chickens.

Checking out the mural

They stop looking for a minute to give each other a hug.

Looking through at Great Grandma and Mommy

Taking a break and getting ready for lunch

Aunt Kara and Claire

Monday night we met up with Aunt Amy, Uncle Darnel, Delaney, and Trey and went to the Magic House. It was a FREE NIGHT, which made it even better!

When we walked in we saw our friends Karen and Judy who own the Kirkwood Cold Stone. Dane and I shared a piece of Cold Stone Cake. He loved you can see a little chocolate on his face.

I really didn't know how much there would be for Dane to do at the Magic House. I knew he would love watching the kids play though, so we went anyway. Well it was a good thing I was with Aunt Amy because she took us right to an area for babies up to 24 months! Dane had a blast in this area!
Going down the slide!

Delaney was in the Childrens' Hospital Play Unit
and was dressed up as a Dr. She was checking Dane's heart.
(This wasn't in the baby pictures are out of order!)

Dane made some music!

You can see Laney working underneath the car
while Dane checks out the tires.

Driving Delaney and Trey around!

Back in the baby area Dane drove a boat.

He climbed through some tunnels.

Played in a tiny ball pit with Trey and Delaney

Did some fishing with Mommy

Before we left we listened to the band that was playing a bit
and then headed out to the garden.
Playing in the boat.

The boys!

It was a Monday full of fun! Dane was worn out.....
in fact so worn out that he slept until 8:00 Tuesday morning!
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