Happy 1st Birthday to my sweet baby boy! I can't believe you are one year old today! This has been the fastest and BEST year ever!
You are getting to be such a big boy! You are changing everyday! We will go see Dr. Andersen on Friday to get your stats on your height and your weight. You are a solid little guy...not real tall, but solid.

I love watching you play and explore everyday. You look at things real close to see how they work. You figured out if you press the yellow button on your train it will move. You follow it around. We play ball together a lot and you always giggle when the ball comes towards you. You love to play outside on your
playset. Sometimes I feel like I am at recess duty because I keep saying, "We can't go up the slide, you have to use the ladder."

We eat all of our meals together now. You are such a good eater. You eat pretty much anything we give you. You feed yourself and are such a big boy. I like sitting next to you while we eat and talking to you. You are understanding things more everyday. I can now say, "Time to eat" and you go to your highchair. When I say, "Take a drink", you pick up your little
sippy cup and take a drink for me. You like to have graham crackers in
the afternoon for a little snack. You really love them.

I love to hear you say, "Mom, Mom, Mom." You sound so big when you yell, "Mom!" When I say, "Daddy's home", you always look at the stairs and say, "
Dadada". When I talk about going to see our
family and friends you smile so big when you hear their names.
You are walking all over now. I chase you all over the house. When you go down the hall and I sit down at the end and call your name you come walking back to me with a big smile on your face and your arms out to hug me.

You are such a sweet, sweet boy. You give me lots of hugs and kisses everyday! I have
absolutely LOVED spending the summer with you!

Even though you are getting bigger I still like to look at the baby monitor at night and watch you sleep. You don't take a bottle anymore, but you will still snuggle up with me
before you go to bed at night.

We are so lucky to have you! You have made our lives so happy and fun! I love to see you smile, hear you giggle, and listen to you talk. I can't wait to watch you grow up! (just slow down a bit, please!) We love you Dane!
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