We stayed in this cute little Inn, Vinchester Inn.

We then headed to the Tourist Information Center to pick up some info to plan our day. Right next door was the Chocolate Box. There was so much to choose from. We each got a little piece. It was obvious after Fried Pickles at lunch and now chocolate we weren't watching what we ate on this trip!
We started the afternoon at the Tin Mill Brewing Company. We took a tour of the Brewery and then Dave sampled some of the beers. He found several that he liked so he got a couple of each and brought a little 6 pack sampler home.

It was now time for the wineries. We started off at Hermannhof. We took a tour and walked the around a bit. It was beautiful!
We then did the wine tasting and picked a bottle to bring home.

It was then time for the Stone Hill Winery. I thought it was funny because it was right in the middle of a neighborhood. We went on a tour and then did the wine tasting. We were able to find 2 bottles of wine here to bring home.

Our little inn keeper suggested this place and when Dave saw it he definitely wanted to try it for dinner. It had airplace memorabilia, which Dave loved.
He had to drink my water they were so hot.

Well....while we wined and dined in Hermann Dane lived it up in Kirkwood with his aunts, cousins, and Mama, and Papa. It was kind of a crazy time. Mama had tickets to take Taylor and Delaney to the Fox to see Wicked, Katie had a college class this week, and Kara had Mother's Day out so little Dane got to see lots of different people during his stay.

Well....while we wined and dined in Hermann Dane lived it up in Kirkwood with his aunts, cousins, and Mama, and Papa. It was kind of a crazy time. Mama had tickets to take Taylor and Delaney to the Fox to see Wicked, Katie had a college class this week, and Kara had Mother's Day out so little Dane got to see lots of different people during his stay.
He started out the day with Aunt Kara, Claire, and Aunt Ashley. It was Aunt Ashley's birthday so they went to her grandma's house to go swimming.
She must know Dane loves ice cream.
After swimming Aunt Kara, Claire, and Dane met Aunt Amy, Trey, and Delaney at Tropical Moose in Kirkwood for snow cones. Trey and Delaney took turns feeding Dane. He loves his snowcones just as much as ice cream.

Fun afternoon for the little guy. I am not sure if he was tired from the swimming or all of the eating! Quiet time in the car for Aunt Kara!

I got several pictures from Aunt Kara and Papa
and Dane seemed to be having a blast playing.
Enjoyed a dinner of noodles and watermelon!
Watching the birds at Mama and Papa's house.
Mama played and then had to head to the Muny. Dane was tired from his fun day! He fell asleep on Papa and slept until 7:00 this morning when Aunt Katie (who had the night duty, along with Mama) had to wake him up. She had class at 8:00 and had to take him to Aunt Amy's house to play for a bit. He ate breakfast, played with Trey and Delaney, and took a walk with Aunt Amy and the kids before we got there at 11:00.

I think Dane enjoyed his time away as much as Dave and I did. We sure did miss him, but I know we had nothing to worry about because he was surely spoiled, loved on, and having a blast while we were gone. He was worn out as well. We put him in the car about 11:30 to head to Mama's for lunch and he fell right asleep and didn't get up until 1:45!!
Thanks to his many babysitters! We enjoyed our night out!
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