The thrill of snow days has worn off. As much as I love hanging out with Dane during the day I have had my fill of snow days. Now all I see is my summer getting shorter day by day. Also, I think Dane is getting bored of "Mommy games".
Dane and I already had an extended weekend. Dane's babysitter had a death in her family and had to close on Monday so we stayed home together. When I heard the weather report over the weekend I had a feeling it would be extended even more.
School dismissed early on Monday and late Monday evening we got the call that it would be closed on Tuesday. With the weather forecast Dave decided to pack an overnight bag for work on Tuesday, just in case he couldn't get home. I started hearing about the possibility of power outages. I was just dreading the next few days.
Early Tuesday morning I got an email from a friend down the street. I was excited to hear that due to the weather forecast she was staying home for the day. She was excited as I was for a
playdate. I gave her a call and within minutes felt so much better. I was packing the diaper bag for an extended stay, just in case. I loaded up some leftovers and some snacks for the kids. Dane and I headed down about the same time Dave left for work so we would be there before any bad weather started. When we got there we heard the plan-two other friends were coming by to play and there were already plans made if the power went out. We knew who in the neighborhood had gas fireplaces and who had
generaters. We were assured we would be taken care of. And so the extended
playdate started.
The view from our front door.
It doesn't look like much, but there was quite a bit of ice underneath that snow.

We ate, we played, Dane had a blast, and I enjoyed hangout time with good friends. Dane and
Aiden are 3 months apart and Tyler is 3 years old.
Colton, who is 2 years old, visited, as well as Logan, who is 2 months old. The boys were very, very busy, but was so much easier to entertain them with others around.
Lunch break!
Playdough time!

Bath time!

Right after bath time Dave called and said he was going to be able to make it home. He had to stop and pick up Dane and I because I couldn't get my car out.
Vicki and I had already planned Snow Day Playdate #2 for today. I made a list of what to bring...we were running low on soda and bread. Dane and Aiden also have the same stuffed monkey. I didn't bring Dane's, but of course he thought Aiden's was his, so I had to bring Danes down today. Dave dropped us off on his way out to work today and we played all day again.
The boys spent a lot of time on this playset in their basement. Dane loved to stay in the top part and would rarely slide down the slide.

Vicki put their tent and tunnel together for them.

And, they have a dog....which Dane loves! Zeke usually stays in the back bedroom, but Dane would walk around yelling, "Dog, Dog" and beg for him to come out.

I feel so blessed to be living where we do, with wonderful friends and neighbors. We had such a fun two days and they went by so much faster than if Dane and I would have been stuck in the house by ourselves. It felt so good to know that if the power went out or Dave couldn't make it home that I had friends that would help us if we needed it.
Now, hopefully tomorrow I can get my car out of their driveway!