Both appointments were at Missouri Baptist Hospital, but different areas so we walked quite a bit. We parked closest to where our last appointment would be and walked across the hospital to the ultrasound. Our good friend's mom works in the office and she was excited as we were.
This little one wasn't quite as cooperative as Dane was at his ultrasound. The ultrasound with Dane went pretty quick and I don't think we were in the room for 5 minutes before they told us we were having a boy. This one took a bit longer. The tech got what she could from the first view and then it seemed when she needed one side, the baby would show the other. Or she would barely be able to see what she needed and if the little one would move just a tad she would be able to get it. It took a bit longer, but eventually she was able to check off all of the boxes.
They once again reminded me that I was in the "Advanced Maternal Age" category so I had to have a specialist come in. He looked over all of the pictures the tech had taken and then took a look on his own.
We were excited! I had told Dave for several weeks that I thought we were having another boy. I get excited thinking about Dane and his little brother growing up together.
When we walked out of the ultrasound room our friend's mom was just waiting to hear the news. She promised she wouldn't say a word and was thrilled to know that her two grandsons that live right down the street from us would have another boy in the neighborhood to play with.
As we walked to the elevator to head to our next appointment our phones were vibrating like crazy with text messages from friends and family asking for the news.
We got to my Dr.'s office and were told that he had been called to a surgery, we could either wait or go have lunch and come back. We decided we needed to eat so we met my mom at St. Louis Bread Co. for lunch. When we got back to Missouri Baptist my Dr. had only been back five minutes, so I am glad we decided to go have lunch. They called us right in. It was a real quick appointment. The Dr. went over the ultrasound results and was very happy for us. The baby is measuring right at 19 weeks, which puts my due date on October 24th.
So things are great here. The "morning sickness" which used to be with me 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, seems to be limiting itself to mornings and every so often after I eat. I also have had such a sweet tooth this pregnancy. Dave likes to cut up broccoli and cucumbers for me to have with fat free ranch dip. While I do love this, I usually have to have something sweet after I eat the healthy stuff! Another plus was that my Dr. told me that even though I tell him at every appointment that I can't believe how big I am already, the baby is right on track size wise and my weight at this point is great!!
We can't wait until our little baby boy is here!
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