School ended on Friday and we have had a great start to summer. We spent Memorial Day in
Kirkwood and had a blast!
Dave and Dane ready to go!

As soon as we got to Mama and Papa's house Dane got into his swim trunks and was ready to start playing. The kids had a great time pouring water over each other.

Dane loved the water! He kept saying, "Water, Water."

He took a break from swimming and went to swing with Delaney.

Then they got out the Slip and Slide. As soon as Dane saw Trey go down he wanted to go. He would yell, "My turn." Delaney held his hand so he would wait.

He was so excited! He put his hands up in the air and yelled, "

Dave was coaching him a bit. He wasn't scared at all.

He ran down, got ready to slide.......

and down he went.

He laughed the whole time. He would jump up and yell, "My turn" and we would have to tell him again he had to wait.

These three were wet from noon until dinnertime.

Trying to squirt Trey.

And then it was time for the Beach Ball Sprinkler.....

The water would spray in his face and he would run away.....

and then he would run right back to it.

Delaney and Dane washed Mama's car a little bit.

I guess they were giving each other pedicures.

Dane loved it!

The first time they sat down all day was for dinner.

They didn't rest long. After dinner they got out the Water
Wiffle Ball and Bat.
Daddy helped Dane bat.

Getting ready to bunt.

Delaney's turn to bat.

Dane and Daddy were catching.

They then moved to Dodge Ball. Dane wouldn't take his little Dodge Ball Vest off.

Our little buddy, Trey, turned 6 on Tuesday so we had a little party for him.

Blowing out candles!

This little guy had steak, potatoes, bread, corn, salad, angel food cake, strawberries, ice cream, whipped cream, and still wanted a

This was Dane's first day ever that he didn't take a nap at all. He slept until 8:45 Monday morning and I guess he had enough energy to keep going all day. We left Mama and Papa's at 8:00 and we barely got to the end of their street when I turned around and he was out!

We had such a fun day. The girls all sat on the deck, hung out, and watched the kids play and the guys came back and forth from inside. Dane had so much fun and he slept until 8:30 on Tuesday morning to recover from it!
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