Friday afternoon Dave reminded me that a big company in Ste. Gen had rented the entire Community Center in Lake Forest on Saturday. The pool and playground would be closed all day. Dave had to work Saturday, so I started thinking about what Dane and I could do. We had planned to be in Kirkwood for Father's Day, so we decided to go up on Saturday afternoon and spend the night. We went to Mama and Papa's house and Dane played and hung out with Papa. We ran a couple of errands, then had dinner at Amy's house before going out for ice cream.
Dave came up late Saturday night and Dane was so excited to see him Sunday morning. We cooked a big Father's Day breakfast and just sat around hanging out and talking all day. Amy, Darnel, and the kids came over, so Dane had a ball running around with them. We all got ready to go to T.J. and Ashley's for dinner with the rest of the family.
Dinner was delicious. We had cake to celebrate Father's Day and cake to celebrate Trey and Delaney's birthdays that were also this month. Dane played so hard at T.J.'s and Ashley's house that he fell asleep on the way home and Mama carried him straight to bed when we got back home.
Monday Mama, Amy, Delaney, Trey, Dane, and I spent the morning at Susson Park. I had a feeling Dane would love seeing all of the animals and I was right. He ran to look at one animal, ran to the next one, then sometimes would run back to see others that we had already seen.
We got to the park about 15 minutes before the petting barn opened so we took a walk around the lake.
He seemed to be a little fast for these ducks. When he started moving, they started moving pretty fast!
He kept running, pointing, and saying, "Duck, mommy, duck."
He got pretty close to them, but they kept their distance.
This little one let Mama, Trey, and Dane walk next to him as he walked to the water.
After walking with the ducks for a while we headed over the bridge to the petting barn.
Dane loves Trey and Delaney. He must have said, "Trey, LuLu" a hundred times.
The first animals we saw were ponies, then this big horse.
Trey and Dane watched this turkey for quite a while.
Dane enjoyed watching the goats and sheep play. They would run up onto a rock and then back down. He would laugh, point, and say, "In, mommy, in". Guess he wanted to play with them.
Sticking their faces through the mural for a picture.
One of Dane's favorite areas was the stable with the cows. When we drive into Ste. Gen Dane will yell, "Cow, mooo" everytime he see the cows. He loved checking them out close up.
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