This little guy loves a boat ride. He asks several times a day, "Daddy, boat ride?" If we are driving through Lake Forest and he sees a boat on the water he yells to me, "Mommy, boat, lake." He is definitely a water boy!
As soon as Dave hooked the boat to the truck and pulled it out he was ready to jump in.

We tend to go out on the water during the week and in the middle of the day. Everyone is at work and it is smooth and quiet out on the water.

Dane likes to sit with Dave and look around as Dave drives the boat. He usually looks for ducks in the water and any dogs that happen to be in back yards.
He loves to honk the horn on the boat.

When we put out the anchor he loves to turn the wheel.

I am not a lake swimmer, but Dave is and Dane loved watching him.

Dane decided he wanted to get in. His lifejacket automatically causes him to float on his back and keeps his face out of the water. Strangely enough, those are two things that Dane hates. He loves to put his face in the water and he likes to lay on his belly and kick his legs in the water.

No matter how much Dave sat him up or held him so he could practice his kicks from swim lessons, the minute Dave would take his hands off of him the lifejacket would flip him on his back to float. That is the purpose of the lifejacket that we bought, but Dane sure didn't understand that. He would just kick his little legs trying to get back over to swim on his belly.

I relaxed on the boat while the boys played. Dane finally came out for a snack.

After swimming we took one more slow lap around the lake. Dane must have been worn out from swimming. He sat on my lap and fell right asleep.

When we got back to the Marina Dave got Dane and I out and he went on a "fast" lap around the lake. He says it is good for the boat. I don't know if it really is or if he just gets a little bored with the two of us and our slow boat rides. Dane yelled, "Daddy, boat ride" quite a few times while he was gone.
We came home and Dane ate TWO peanut butter sandwiches for lunch before taking a three hour nap. Swimming and boating must make him hungry and wear him out. When he woke up the first thing he said to me was, "Daddy home? Boat ride?"
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