He was ready to go Trick or Treating.
After we ate everyone got dressed in their costumes....even Aunt Katie.
Reese didn't dress up, but he joined the kids for a picture with his "First Halloween" shirt on.
Everytime we would go to their house for the past month he would yell, "Mama's witch."
Claire dressed as a sweet little witch.
When I asked Dane if he would hold Reese so I could get their picture he just kept saying, "Go Trick or Treating." I couldn't get him to focus on the camera.
My sweet family
Finally, we headed out to Trick or Treat. We had quite the crew-Aunt Amy, Uncle Darnel, Trey, Laney, Aunt Kara, Claire, my mom, Aunt Katie, Dave, Dane, and me! My dad stayed home with Reese and Uncle Steve met up with us later.
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