Dane and I went up to Kirkwood yesterday to start getting in the Christmas spirit.
Santa arrived on a fire truck.

Dane hung out with Taylor for a bit while waiting to see Santa.

Dane was a wild little man. He was so excited to spend the day with Mama, Aunt Amy, Uncle Darnel, Aunt Kara, and all of his cousins.
Mama and Dane

Claire and Mama

Mama, Taylor, Delaney, and Trey

Dane loved looking at the firetruck.
I could hardly get a picture with him because
as soon as I would walk near it he would start looking all over!

Delaney and Rylee kept Dane busy while we waited to see Santa.

Dane acted like it was no big deal to be sitting on Santa's lap.

I guess he noticed that he was dressed a little different.

Then he looked up to check Santa out.

We grabbed some lunch, watched Taylor and Delaney perform
with their dance studio, and then rode the trolley.
I almost didn't take him on the trolley ride because I could tell he was getting sleepy.
I was glad we did, because he loved it!
He looked out the window the whole time.

It was a fun start to the holiday season.
It worn Dane out! He fell asleep before we got to the car
and then went back to Mama and Papa's house and slept some more!
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