Sweet baby Reese is 2 months old. Time is going by so fast! He is still such a happy, calm baby. He has started to smile and it is the sweetest thing. He will just lay on the floor, look around the room, and smile away! He is very alert. His eyes are usually wide open and he looks scared to death. Don't know if he is watching for Dane or what!
We started Reese on a schedule after his 6 week appointment and he is doing so awesome! He is so much more alert and happy since we started it. He eats every 4 hours during the day. A bedtime routine was just what his boy wanted (as well as his mom). We did the routine one night and he has been going to bed every night with very little, if any crying at all. He just falls right to sleep on his own, in his bed. He goes to bed at 8:30 right now and was getting up at 1:00 a.m. to eat. The past two nights he has slept right through the 1:00 feeding and woke up between 5 and 5:30 a.m. I will go in and rub his belly or head and he goes back to sleep until 6:00 a.m. I don't know how much longer he will be staying up until 8:30. Now that he is more alert and active during the day he seems to be getting fussy about 8 or 8:15 and is ready for bed.
Reese's naps are getting pretty predictable as well. He is on a pretty good eat, play, sleep schedule. He will nap anywhere; in his crib, on the floor, in his bouncey seat or the swing. I usually put him in his crib for the longest nap of the day.
Reese is getting so big that I had to pack up all of the newborn clothes and return four boxes of size 1 diapers. We have a box of 276 size 1 diapers open right now and I am just hoping we can use all of them before he needs size 2!
Reese had his first babysitter for an extended period of time. He went with Aunt Katie when Dane went to play with Tom's nephew (Katie's soon to be nephew), Connor. Then he spent the night at Mama and Papa's for the first time without Mommy and Daddy.
Dane continues to "love" on Reese ALOT! Sometimes he is real gentle on his own and other times we have to remind him.
This past month Reese has celebrated family birthdays and enjoyed family traditions of the holiday season. He went to cookie making at his great grandma's house, saw Santa at the Lake Forest Kids Christmas Party, went for a ride on Santa Express, and celebrated one family Christmas already.
It is hard to believe that we will spend our First Christmas as a family of four in just a few days. We are excited and looking forward to lots of Christmasy fun this week. I know the time will fly by.
I will return to work on January 4th and Reese will join Dane at Tracey's everyday. It is going to be strange taking two sweet boys into daycare. So thankful we have her to watch Reese as well.
Happy 2 Months Buddy! You have been so much fun to have with us and we love spending every second with you!
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