I am getting ready to go through my many, many pictures from our Christmas Celebrations! We celebrated here on the 23rd, at Dave's sister's house Christmas Eve Day, at my parent's house on Christmas Eve with my dad's family, Christmas Morning at my parent's house with my siblings, and Christmas Day at my Grandma's house. We had a wonderful holiday and I can't wait to look at all the pictures and remember it all!
Here are some random December pictures.............
The boys playing in Dane's room before going to bed.
Reese never knows if he is going to get a sweet kiss or a more aggressive love pat.

Dane made a stocking at Tracey's house and he just loved it.

Dane got Elf on a Shelf from my parents for Saint Nick's Day. This is before Dave read the book Elf on a Shelf to Dane. We didn't know we weren't supposed to touch the Elf.

The next morning the Elf was up high and safe from a little boy that loved him so much!

Santa window clings! Another gift from my parents for St. Nick's Day. Dane loved these window clings and he spent hours and hours pulling the chairs from the dinning room table over to the sliding glass door so he could play with them. My window has so much little fingerprints on it!

Dressed in his Santa hat and shirt for the daycare Christmas party!

Taking Christmas pictures this year was quite the ordeal. I thought we would do it in the comfort of home so that we could do it whenever we all seemed to be in a good mood and up for it. We attempted twice and got a couple of good pictures to share. Here are some pictures to show the craziness of the photo shoot.
Dane deciding he wanted to give Reese a kiss. Reese not really wanting one!

When Reese started crying Dane kissed his hand to try to comfort him.

A kiss on the forehead to try to soothe a screaming baby brother!

Who knows what he is trying to do here!
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