We had Reese's 6 week appointment on Monday, so I figured now that I have stats I will go ahead and post a 6 week update.
Reese was 6 weeks on Monday, November 28th. He weighs 12 lbs, 2 oz (55%itle), and is 21 3/4 inches long (25%itle). His little head is only in the 10%itle. I looked at Dane's stats to compare a little bit. Dane had an appointment when he was 8 weeks instead of 6. Reese is shorter, but weighs more at 6 weeks than Dane did at 8 weeks. Dane also has always had a big head. He was always 80%itle.
Reese is now out of newborn diapers and newborn clothes. We are in size 1 diapers and wearing 0-3 month clothes.
Tonight is Reese's first night sleeping in his crib in his room. He has napped there a couple of times. We are starting to get him on a schedule. I like routine and figured I don't want to get him in a routine of sleeping in our room.
Reese has transitioned to eating every four hours. He takes 6 oz., 4 times a day. He is still waking up at night for a night time feeding at least once, many times twice a night.
Our little guy is transitioning well to a eat, play, sleep schedule. He loves to lay on his play mat and look around. He has to be protected from Dane during this time as Dane likes to lay next to him, sometimes a little too close. Lately he loves to sit in his bouncey seat or lay on the floor by the Christmas tree and look at the lights. He also loves the swing, but it puts him right to sleep so we have to watch how much time he spends in it.
He loves a warm bath at night. If he is ever a little cranky before bed I can put him in the tub and he totally relaxes.
Reese has slept over at Mama and Papa's house many times already! He always gets lots of attention when we are there.
Reese has celebrated two holidays with us, Halloween and Thanksgiving. We are looking forward to the first Christmas season with our sweet boy.
We are so happy that Reese is such a content little guy. We love him to pieces!
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