Being a teacher you talk to a lot of parents and other teachers about childcare. You definitely hear who is good and who is not so good in childcare. Last March I started looking for childcare. It was the day after my ultrasound so I was 20 weeks and obviously in Ste. Gen that is too late. I called about 10 people who were on the "ones to get" list. Of course they had no openings. I started to stress. A week later I was standing by the copy machine at school. Another teacher asked me if I had found childcare for my baby. I told her no and then told her how stressed out I was about it. A parent of one of my former students walked in at that point and asked if I was looking for childcare. She said she knew the perfect person. I knew this mom was a very good mom and would only want the best for her children. She said she would email me the name and phone number. I thanked her, but still stressed because up to this point nothing had come through. The next day I got the email with the name and number. I went to the teacher that teaches next door to me. Jesika is a great, trusting friend who grew up in Ste. Gen and knows everyone. I asked if she had heard of Sue Basler. Her response was, "Are you kidding? She is amazing. I have been trying to get my kids into her since Sam (her oldest, who is in 6th grade now) was born." That made me feel good. I took my class to the library and asked the librarian about Sue. I got the same response, "She is wonderful!" This encounter happened between me and several other people throughout the day. So, I went and called Sue. She was so kind on the phone and excitedly said yes, she would have a spot for my sweet baby boy!
So on Thursday, October 1st, I took Dane to daycare for the first time. I was so sad and worried about leaving him that day. I remember that drive to Miss Sue's house and I kept thinking how am I ever going to make it to school. I am sure Sue remembers that day as well. Actually, her daughter, who is a freshman in college, was on her way out the door for class and I am sure she remembers me on the day! I bet Miss Sue was thinking, "What kind of mother have I got on my hands?"
Dane his first week of daycare- 2 1/2 months old

Well this year has been absolutely amazing. First, anytime, anyone in Ste Gen asked me who kept Dane and I told them Miss Sue I would get a big sigh and then, "oh, you are soooo lucky to have her." That always made me feel so good. When I would wake up Dane and tell him he was going to Miss Sue's house he would get a big smile on his face. He would always flash her a smile as soon as he saw her in the morning. I would get text messages telling me how my little guy was doing during the day and a picture on my phone every now and then from her. She always said he was really good and happy for her. Miss Sue and I would chit chat every morning and afternoon and she made me feel like such a great mom.
Well Miss Sue's only daughter is going away to college in August. So as much as she loves hanging out with little ones all day Miss Sue thought it might be time for a change for her as well. Miss Sue is such a people person so she will do great working at the Pharmacy in town.
So sadly yesterday was Dane's last day at Miss Sue's. We are all sure going to miss her. We go to the Pharmacy in town often for prescriptions and because they have great little gifts there so we will stop and say hi. Miss Sue's birthday is the day after Dane's so we will also have to get together for a birthday celebration for the two of them.
Dane's last day at Miss Sue's- 10 months old

Of course I now know about the shortage of great childcare providers in Ste. Gen so immediately upon hearing Miss Sue's news I started calling. I called many, many luck. It was especially hard because we were not only looking for childcare, but we were coming from Miss Sue. Jesika even told me, "Now, just be ready because not all sitters text you during the day to tell you about your child." When I was calling people I wanted to ask, "Do you know Miss Sue? Are you as patient, kind, nurturing, and loving as she is?" Oh, it was so hard!
We just try to remind ourselves everyday how very, very lucky we were to have Dane spend this first year in daycare with Miss Sue....she spoiled us all.