Mommy put his Leapfrog table in the small opening
between the couch and the bookcase,
but he quickly learned that he could just crawl right under it.....
to get to the dinning room.
Dane hung out with several people this month. Aunt Katie came down and stayed with him while Dave and I went to a concert. Mykayla, a girl in the neighborhood, watched him while Dave and I went to the End of the Year Recognition dinner for the school district. Jesika picked him up from daycare, took him to her house, fed him, changed him, and brought him back to me at the awards ceremony at school. She said he was perfect, but she knows now that there will not be a 5th Greminger child! This coming Monday and Tuesday he will hang out with another friend while I finish up my last few days of school! We are so thankful for those that care for our sweet baby boy!
Dane is eating lots of table food and has abandoned the bottle except for breakfast and bedtime. He drinks his formula from his sippy cup!
Dane went to his first "friend" birthday party for Aiden Deters. He swam in the big pool at the community center.
I can't believe that in two short months Dane will be 1 year old! These past 10 months have been more fun than I imagined!
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