I really have no idea who reads my blog. I started it because I thought it would be a great way to document all of the events, big or small, that happen with our little family. I was getting further and further behind in scrapbooking, which made it less and less enjoyable. Blogging seemed to capture more of the everyday memories and at the close of each year I can have it made into a book with just the click of a button, one for me to keep and one for Dane if I wish. I hoped that some family and friends would enjoy it as well, but I am really not sure who all does.
However, today I received an email from a friend, "I love your 365 project pictures of Dane on your blog, but I miss your updates of the little events in your family's day."
Well, today may have been the wrong day to ask, but......
We have had a ton of snow days......6 as of today. I always love the first few, but after that I just want to get back to school, teach my kids, and look forward to summer vacation. When I have reached my limit of snow days and start to dread that early morning or late night phone call I remind myself that at least I have Dane to snuggle up and play with on those cold, snowy days. We have played, sang, napped, and eaten far to many chocolate chip cookies and cupcakes. My stock of cake mixes and brownie mixes for last minute gathering invites has dwindled.
Last Thursday's snow day turned out to be a snow/sick day for Dane. He got up and ate breakfast and started to play. He was running through the kitchen when he sort of spit up some milk. I just thought he was being a little wild after eating, so I cleaned it up and back to playing we went. At naptime I took him to our room so I could snuggle with him and catch up on some DVR'd shows. I noticed that he seemed a little sweaty, so I uncovered him a little and he slept on. He slept a good two and a half hours. When he woke up he reached for me and was coughing, then he got sick. It wasn't too bad and by this point I had forgotten about the morning episode, so we got some water and all was well......until about 2 am. I heard Dane on the monitor crying. I flipped on the video and he was laying down crying. I watched for a minute, assuming that he would fall back to sleep. He then sat up and got sick in his bed. When I walked in to his room the poor guy was sitting in bed pointing to where he got sick saying, "uh oh momma, uh oh." Dave got up with me and we cleaned him and the bed up and got us all settled back in bed. We laid low for the rest of our snow days.
1) Dane's Sleep: Dane's bed time routine takes all of maybe 2 minutes. We would take him in his room, turn on music, turn on his vaporizer, give him a blanket and a monkey, lay him down, and walk out. Within minutes I can hear him lightly snoring on the monitor. Well that was until about a week ago. Dane started crying when we laid him down. He would stand up in his crib and cry. One night he cried for 20 minutes. We couldn't figure out what the problem was. We thought maybe he was too wound up when we were putting him to bed or he didn't need to go to bed as early anymore (7:30 p.m.). We tried having Dave read him books and rock him for a minute in his room. He would be dozing in Dave's arms and the minute Dave walked out of his bedroom he was up screaming. Well, somehow we figured it out. Dave took him to bed last night and he laid down fine. Dave kept moving slowly towards the door and Dane would poke his head up every few minutes to check to see what was going on. Dave made it to the bedroom door and Dane was still laying down. The second Dave closed the door Dane popped up screaming. Dave opened the door and Dane stopped. So we kept the door opened a crack and Dane went to sleep right away. Tonight I put him to bed, left the door opened a crack and he is sleeping soundly. Don't know why all of a sudden he doesn't want the door closed, but we will do it.
2) Mommy's sleep- Dave moved to a dayshift (late morning- early evening) position at work in early November. The hours weren't the best, but midnights were getting to him. About a month after he moved to the shift the prison decided to shift the hours a bit. These new hours were a bit harder to handle. I pick Dane up from daycare and come home right after school, as long I don't have a meeting. We play, I make dinner, we eat, we play, I give Dane a bath, we read, then Daddy comes home and Dane goes to bed shortly after. I don't know if it is me, some new responsibilities I have take on, or my time management, but I need to figure it out. When Dane goes to sleep at 8:00 I take a shower and get our clothes ready for the next day. By this time it is usually almost 9:00. I then start the major activities for my evening....grade papers, clean, do laundry, make my lunch, work on various projects, and catch up on emails. Next thing I know it is 2:30 a.m. and I have an alarm that will be buzzing in 3 and a half hours. Need to work on this.................
It is a good thing I have this cute boy to keep me grounded.....

So, Erynn is probably thinking she doesn't want to hear about the latest happenings in our little life anymore for a while.......I promise the next post will be full of cute adventures of Dane.