Friday, January 21, 2011

Sweet Little 18 Month Old!

I just can't believe Dane is already 18 months old! We already had his 18 month Dr. appointment and when Dr. Andersen told me his next appointment would be for his 2 year old checkup I almost cried. 2 yrs old just sounds so old!

When I want to take his picture he will stand and say, "Cheese Momma".
Dane is a happy, busy, growing boy these days. He is growing a bit taller @ 32 inches (45%) and weighing in at 26 lbs (50%). He loves, loves, loves his daycare. When I tell him when are almost to Tracey's house he raises both hands up in the air and yells "Yay!" He just walks right in and starts his day with no problem. Thank goodness though he is always very excited to see me when I come pick him up. He has learned so much from Tracey. He does his sign language, plays games, helps pick up toys, and loves the other kids.

When we get home in the afternoons Dane just plays, plays, plays. He will watch TV for a bit, then build with legos. He will chase Max, then read books. I love watching him because everyday he seems to do something new. If any music comes on TV he stops what he is doing and dances.

Dane is communicating so well. He says quite a few words including, more (for food of course), Max, Momma, Dadda, dog, door, T (Tracey), Mama, Papa, ball, cheese, and choo choo. When he wants something he can't say he will grab our hand and lead us to it or point to it.

Dane is such a loving little boy. He gives Dave and I kisses and hugs constantly. When I say we are going bye bye he will chase Max trying to give him a hug goodbye.

Every stage with Dane is so much fun and it just keeps getting better. We can't believe how he is growing into a little boy. He is so smart, fun, and sweet and we love him so, so much!

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