Sunday, February 12, 2012

A Day in Our Life Right Now

I saw an idea on another blog to document a day in your life every so often.  So, while this is a pretty boring update for most, I think it will be fun to look back and see the changes in our lives.  We often say, "This is just a season in our life and it will be over soon."  Sometimes I hope the "season" passes quickly and other "seasons" I wish would slow down. 

I love a routine, a schedule, a plan.  Being a teacher we have our school year schedule and our summer schedule.  I like to know what is going on (I carry my planner to and from work everyday and keep it on the counter once I get home).  I keep a running list of what I need to do, what I want to do, and also what I need/want Dave to do (I am sure he loves that).  We also have to deal with Dave's crazy schedule.  Right now Dave is on dayshift, and it is so, so nice.  Since Dane was born Dave has been on many different schedules he was on dayshift for Dane's first 6 months, then midnights for another 10 months, then 11-7 shift for another 6 months, 3-11 p.m., and now back to dayshift.

Here's a day in our lives right now!

4:50 a.m.     Dave's alarm goes off.  I typically hear it and think, "oh no, only 10 more minutes to sleep.  Dave likes to read the news and get his coffee going.

5:00 a.m.     I get up and jump in the shower and get ready for the day.  Dave usually comes into the bedroom about 5:15 or so and starts getting ready for his day.  If Reese happens to wake up during this time he sits in the swing and watches Mickey Mouse Clubhouse while we get ready.

5:45 a.m.     Dave leaves for work.  By this time I am ready for work, I have my hair fixed, my makeup done, and have pants and heels on, but I still have my robe on.  I hate, hate, hate wrinkles in my clothes, so I don't put my top on until after I feed Reese.

6:00 a.m.     I wake up Reese, feed him a bottle, and get him dressed.  He then sits in his bouncy seat or on his playmat.  I finish getting dressed. 

6:20 a.m.     I will be honest this is either my favorite or least favorite part of the day.  I have to wake up Dane.  He HATES waking up.  I usually go in and turn on the lamp and his music.  Then I leave for a few minutes.  If I come back and he is standing up he is usually in a good mood and ready to go to Tracey's.  If he is laying down still it is usually the sign that it will be a rough 20 minutes for us.  I get him up and dressed.  He will sometimes perk up when I tell him Reese is awake and watching TV.

6:35 a.m.     I take my school bags and lunch down to the car.  Then I come back and get Dane's coat on him and get Reese in his carseat.  Depending on Dane's mood I can either carry Reese down and Dane will follow me or sometimes I have to carry Dane down and then come back and get Reese.  You would think I would lost more weight with all of these trips up and down the stairs!

6:45 a.m.     We head out of Lake Forest.  If it has been a rough morning you can usually hear Dane say, "I sorry mommy", in his cutest little voice as we pull out of the driveway. 

It is funny because when we got the van with the DVD player in it I decided I would not let Dane watch a movie if we were just going from our house to Ste Gen.  Well when Dave was working 3-11 and I would have the boys by myself all night long sometimes I needed just a bit of quiet before we got home, so I caved and let him watch his movie.   He doesn't really watch TV at night, so I guess the 10 minute ride to and from school isn't too bad.  Dane likes to watch Cars on the way to school.  I have recently realized that he can watch the movie with no sound and I can listen to the radio and he is perfectly happy!  I don't know how long this will last, but for now it works!

We leave our house and go to The Point to get my Diet Mountain Dew for the day (the drive thru convenient store- you really drive right thru the middle of the store and the sides are lined with coolers, so Dane loves it).  As soon as we get into Ste Gen he will tell me, "Mommy, you can get your soda."  I then go to Tracey's and drop the boys off.  Reese is usually sound asleep and Dane is ready to play with his friends.  He will say, "Kiss, kiss, hug, hug", then he walks me to the door, opens it, and says, "There you go Mommy."  So sweet!  Then I head to school and usually get there about 7:20 a.m.

I get the boys from Tracey's about 3:30 p.m. every afternoon.  Dave is home when we get home and comes down to help get the boys inside.  Dane is usually excited to show Dave his work from the day and Reese is usually sound asleep. 

4:15ish        I head out for a walk.  Dane usually wants to go with me and Reese is usually sleeping so he stays here with Dave. 

5:15             I start dinner, Dane plays in the living room, and Dave feeds Reese.

6:00             Dave, Dane, and I eat dinner.  Reese hangs out in his Bumbo seat, bouncy seat, or plays on his play mat.

                    When we finish with dinner I load and start the dishwasher, Then we all play with in the living room or go downstairs and play.  Dane will do some of his "schoolwork" as he likes to call it.

7:00             I take Dane in for a bath and when he is finished Dave brings Reese in for his bath. 

7:30            By 7:30 at the latest Reese is usually starting to meltdown and ready for bed.  Dave and I take turns feeding Reese and putting him to bed.  We are usually done with that by 7:45 and Dane gets 15 minutes more of hangout time before we put him to bed.

8:00           We are usually successful in having both boys in bed asleep by 8:00.  I then clean the kitchen, Dave and I unload the dishwasher together, I make bottles for the next day, and make my lunch.  I TRY to iron all of our clothes on Sunday so I don't have to do them during the week, but sometimes I need to iron as well.  I have also just started to try to do a load of wash everyday after school so I don't have to do it all over the weekend.  The problem is I love to start the week out with everything clean so I do wash over the weekend anyway.  If I do get laundry done Dave will usually help me fold it and put it away at this time. 

9:30            Our goal is to be in bed by 9:30 and lights and TV off by 10:00.  We can usually be in bed at this time, but this is the only time I have to catch up on my blogs and my DVRed shows, so sometimes it is 10:30 or 11:00 when I actually go to bed.  Dave tends to fall asleep earlier usually. 

***Dave is off on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, so those are my days to sleep "late".  I get to sleep until 5:30.  Dave feeds and dresses Reese on these days and helps to get Dane up and dressed.  Plus, usually one of those days Dave will keep Dane home and sometimes Reese also!

These two boys keep us busy!

1 comment:

  1. Visiting from Kelly's...what beautiful boys you have! I'm a teacher, too! It's hard to be working mom sometimes, but it looks like you are doing a fabulous job!
