I can't believe Dane is 7 months old already! He is getting so big!
- Unofficially he is weighing about 20 lbs.
- Wearing size 3 diapers
- Wearing 6-9 month clothes
- Eating oatmeal with fruit or cereal with fruit for breakfast, fruit for lunch, and a meat mixed with veggies and fruit for dinner. Plus still taking 6 oz of formula 4 times a day.
- Uses his sippy cup, but still prefers his bottle
- Holds his bottle so well
- Sleeping from about 7:15 p.m. until about 6:30 a.m.-usually sleeping through the night, though occasionally needing mommy or daddy to come comfort him.
- Started rolling from back to tummy in the middle of the night and sometimes sleeping on his side. He likes to sleep with his face buried in the mattress, I don't like this so much.
- Celebrated his first Valentines Day
- Gave mommy her first "Happy Birthday Mommy" card
- Had a very mild case of RSV
- Enjoyed several snow days with mommy (Though, as much as we enjoyed them we are ready for warmer weather)
- We can see the very tip of the first tooth coming in
- Enjoyed his cousin Claire's First Birthday party
- Moving to a bigger carseat anyday now....my hip is killing me.
- Hair is starting to grow
- Started to wave and will sometimes give fives.
Looks like such a big boy when he sits up
Can spin in a circle on his belly, but not crawling yet!
Chews on anything!

We can't believe how fast the time is going. He is getting so big and we are having so much fun! We love you Dane!
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