I took Monday off work and decided that it was best to go visit the Dr. I went in and he checked out my foot. He determined it was not broken or fractured, just a VERY VERY bad sprain. He gave me two prescriptions, an order for an ankle brace, and a note for one week off of work.
I thought, "Really, I don't need a week off." Dave took me by school after visiting the Dr. and I went in to talk to my principal. I told her about my Dr. visit and said that I thought I would be able to make it in to work on Tuesday as long as I could sit down and keep my foot up during the day. So, I planned to return to school on Tuesday.
Tuesday was absolutely miserable! I thought I was doing ok. Dave loaded Dane in the car for me since I can't walk down the stairs and hold him at the same time. Then Miss Sue met me in the driveway and carried Dane into her house. I got to school. The walk into school alone was long and painful. Why is my classroom the very last room in the main hallway? It seemed like the longest walk in the world. Well I will say that my kids were excellent on Tuesday. But, by lunch I was needing my Tylenol with Codeine, which I couldn't take at school. I was so uncomfortable from sitting in the exact same position with my my foot propped up on a hard chair. It is easier said than done to sit while you teach all day. I either tried to stand for a bit and then my foot throbbed or I sat down and taught and totally bored even myself so much that I wanted to scream. When I limped out of school I thought, "Maybe the Dr. knows best and I should stay home for a couple of days."
I got home, unwrapped my foot, and propped this bruised, swollen foot up for the night.

The bruising even started to creep up to my toes!
Today the weather has been beautiful. Even though I have been stationed on the oversized chair we have had the sliding door open and the sun shining through. I keep thinking I need to sit here and recover so that I can take my walks when the good weather is here to stay. I think it is supposed to rain later this week so that will make hanging out on the chair a little easier.
I have enjoyed having Dave home today to hangout with as well as to cook, CLEAN, and DO LAUNDRY. (I got a towel out of the closet and it wasn't folded quite the way I like, but I am trying to ignore it and be thankful that he is helping so much)
Dane has been playing and smiling all day, that itself makes anyone feel better! He seems to want spring to be here as much as I do. He loves to stand by the sliding door and look outside. He also is sporting his Cardinal Onesie. Better stock up on some more Cardinal clothing though, we realized this is his last Cardinal outfit that fits!

Every so often he would come snuggle with me for a bit. He is getting busier these days and won't stay in my lap for long. Guess I better enjoy as much snuggle time as I can get. I am sure he will just get busier and busier.