Dane is 8 months old today!
As you can see from these pictures, Dane is a very busy boy already!This is as still as he would sit. He was holding onto his feet and rocking back and forth.
**Size 3 diapers
**6-9 month clothes
**Eating 3 meals a day- cereal or oatmeal and a 6 oz bottle for breakfast (and not until 8:00 AM), fruit or veggie for lunch and a 6 oz. bottle, meat with a fruit or veggie for dinner and a 4 oz. bottle, and a 6 oz. bottle right before bed.
**Started feeding himself a snack of Gerber Puffs or Yogurt Melts.
**Using a sippy cup, but still preferring his bottle
**Has tasted an avocado, potatoes, bread, a Dunkin Donut, and pistachio cake off of mommy's and daddy's plate.
**We are trying to stay up a little later at night. Usually will make it until 7:45 p.m. now. Sleeping great at night. Sometimes Mommy has to wake him for daycare and when he doesn't go to daycare he will sleep until 6:30 or 7:00 sometimes.
**Has started sleeping on his side or will flip over to his tummy.
**Moved out of the infant carseat into the convertible carseat,
**Scoots all over the place. Loves to move backwards. Still working on crawling.
**Started to pull up and stand on mommy or daddy and tries to pull up on the furniture, but still working on it.
**Waves bye-he will wave to everyone in the store. He waves with his palm facing him, it is so cute!
**Started giving hugs and when we kiss him he smiles and giggles!
**Has two front teeth!
**Loves it when Mommy sings to him. If he is crying he immediately stops!
**Moves his hands when I sing "Itsy, Bitsy Spider" and raises his arms when we say, "So big"
**Loves Max (our dog) and Molly (Mama's dog). Only Molly returns the feelings though.
**Loves playing with his Uncle T.J.- he makes him laugh so hard
**Loves playing with his toys and will talk and laugh the entire time. He gets so excited.
**Is talking so much. Says Mama and Dada....usually Dada more.....
We are soooooo looking forward to summer. Only 43 more days of school for mommy! We have lots of summer plans!
We love watching him everyday. He is just amazing us with his happy personality and how much more he is doing everyday. Just when we think it can't get any better, it does!
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