Last night Dane was sleeping peacefully when Dave left at 9:45 p.m. I got a few things ready for today and headed to bed about 10:30 p.m. At 11:30 p.m. I woke up to a huge boom. I thought it sounded like a transformer blew, but we didn't lose power so I am not sure if that was it or not. Then I had a flashback to when we lived in Chester and Dave and I woke up to a huge boom in the middle of the night when someone hit the house down the street on their way home from a party. I heard Dane crying and went to look outside, hoping he would cry himself back to sleep while I did. I didn't see anything and as I headed back to bed I could still hear Dane. I gave him a little bit, then went in. He seemed pretty wide awake, not a good thing. I rocked him a bit, not happy that whatever made such a sound had woken my baby. I laid him back down and he fell back asleep and woke up crying on and off for quite a while. He doesn't do this often anymore, so it was quite a shock to my system. I think I finally drifted off about 1:30 a.m.
Dave had to sleep when he got home at 3:30 so that he could head back for another double at 10:00 tonight. It was just Dane and me and I was TIRED!! We read a ton of books, played with many toys, he jumped in his jumperoo, but it was not quite bedtime. I figured it was a good time to head to the bathtub for some playtime. Dane splashed around, chewed on some of his bath toys, and I sat by the tub, watched him play, and relaxed.
He is just so happy and cute he kind of makes you forget how tired you really are.
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