Dane makes daily requests, sometimes hourly, for me to let him talk to people. He will tell me, "Call mommy" and bring me my phone. Many times I hear him saying, "Hello, Hello" and I will find that he has picked up the phone on Dave's nighstand. Luckily he hasn't "called" anyone on it yet.
Yesterday Dave was looking at pictures with Dane and I heard him say, "Katie, mommy." I said, "Yes, that's Katie." He then looked confused and said, "Tom?" It is funny because Dane has given Tom high fives and knucks for quite some time, but since Tom and Katie got engaged Dane has been infatuated by Tom! The first time he saw Tom after they got engaged he leaned right over and gave Tom a big kiss. It was like he knew that Tom was "officially" in the family.
Well as soon as Dane woke up from his nap yesterday he started asking, "Call Katie?" Finally right before bed we called Katie. Katie answered and Dane said, "Hello Katie, Tom, Tom?" Katie would ask him a question and he would answer her, then say, "Tom?" Katie was a little sad, but Dane did end his phone call with "I love you."

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