Today when I picked Dane up from daycare he showed me a paper he painted of the letter B. He was very proud of it. He held onto it the whole way home. When we got home a friend of mine came over to plan the Halloween Party that we are in charge of (which happens to be October, 22, two days before my due date...what am I thinking???) and he was very excited to show her his painting as well.
He kept saying, "Show Daddy, show Daddy." I told him we would show Daddy tomorrow morning. After bath we sat down to watch the movie, "Up". He jumped down from the couch and grabbed his picture. He laid back down and asked me to cover him up. He continued to hold his picture and every once in a while would say, "Show Daddy."

After about 15 minutes of watching the movie (it's a good thing he has no concept of when the movie begins or ends) I told him it was time for bed. He chased Max, trying to give him a bedtime hug, which Max never wants and then went into his room, still holding the picture. He held it as I read him a story. As I put him in bed I asked if I could put his picture on his dresser so we could show Daddy in the morning. He wouldn't let it go. He laid down and I could hear him on the monitor saying, "Show Daddy, Show Daddy." He fell asleep and I just now quietly went in and got the paper.
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