Tuesday, May 8, 2012


Dane like a tv show called, "Jake and the Neverland Pirates."  It has a cute little song that he sings and dances to.  The other day we after breakfast I was cleaning the kitchen and Dane called me and said, "Look Mommy, Reese is a pirate."  I couldn't figure out what he was saying until he pointed to Reese and laughed as he put the burp cloth on Reese's head and said again, "Reese is a pirate."
Reese seemed to enjoy it as well!
I went back into the kitchen and he called me to turn around.  "Look Mommy, now I'm a pirate."
Silly, silly boys!

A little update on Dane: 
Dane has had a "crazy eye" ,as we call it, on and off.  It will kind of flutter and kind of looked like a lazy eye.  He usually has it when he is tired and when he is drinking out of a sippy cup.  I have rarely seen it any other time.  I asked our pediatrician about it at his two year appointment.  He never did it when she was watching him and he passed all vision screenings with her, so she was not overly concerned at this point.

Last weekend Parents As Teachers came to our house early one morning.  Dane was so tired.  He had a hard time waking up and I had to apologize to our educator that he was still in his pjs when she got there.  She brought donuts for Dane for breakfast.  As he was eating his donut and drinking his milk from a sippy cup I pointed out his "crazy eye" to her.  She recommended that I take Dane to an Eye Dr.  She didn't expect him to be able to pass his vision test for her.  The test including tracking side to side and up and down without moving his head.  He ended up doing everything perfect!

So, just to ease my mind, I made an eye appointment for Dane.  I was afraid I would wait and have them tell me it would be hard to correct because I waited too long.  This is a crazy, busy time of year at school and of course the only appointment they had with the Pediatric Specialist was at 2:30 today.  Luckily, Dave was able to take Dane to his appointment.

Dave said they did a ton of tests on Dane and he was such a trooper.  They dialated his eyes and he was a champ.  The Dr. said she has seen adults that can't handle it, so she was pretty impressed with Dane.  We had video of his eye when he was drinking from a sippy cup. 

Turns out our little man is farsighted!  The Dr. explained that he may eventually need glasses, but at this point she does not want to give him a prescription.  She thinks that there will be some self correction and if she gave him a prescription now it might hinder some of the self correction.

We will go back periodically and have his little eyes checked to see how they are doing, but for now he is growing and developing just fine and his "crazy eye" is not affecting development, so we will wait and hope for improvement!

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