9 Months Old!
**Dane's 9 month Dr. appointment is Friday so we will have his latest stats then.
**This month Dane went to his first annual Easter Egg Dying at his Great Grandma's house with all of his cousins.
**Went to his first Easter Egg Hunt at church and at Kirkwood Park
**Even with his allergies Dane LOVES to be outside.
**Loves to swing on the swings at the park in Lake Forest, Mama and Papa's house, and at home. He also had a few trips to Kirkwood Park with his cousins.
**Now sits forward facing in the stroller and LOVES our (almost daily) walks. He looks all around and talks nonstop.
**Likes to look out the sliding glass door
**Very curious-No matter where we are he is constantly checking out the scene.
**Had some of his first "real" food at his Great Grandma's house on Easter. She made it special for him-mashed potatoes, watergate salad with no nuts, and applesauce.
**Already loves Papa's weekend breakfasts-pancakes and french toast
**Says Dada and Ma Ma
**Constantly talking (motor boat noises and blowing bubbles)
**Waves his arms around when he talks
**Had his first boat ride at Lake Forest
**First "Cousins Night" at Uncle T.J.'s and Aunt Ashley's house
**Claps his hands
**Loves his daycare- When I tell him he is going to Miss Sue's house he smiles really big. He loves to watch the kids play and they love to entertain him.
**Loves balls
**Has started to pull up on anything he can get near
Started crawling forward
He is soooo busy I can barely capture a picture!
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