We had a wonderful spring weekend! It was lots of fun and makes us have to remind ourselves that it is not summer quite yet and we do have to go to work and daycare tomorrow!
Dane had the biggest plans of the weekend. Saturday night was the first "Nieces and Nephews Night" at Uncle T.J.'s and Aunt Ashley's house. All 5 of the nieces and nephews were heading over for a night of hanging out and a sleepover. Dane didn't sleep over because his allergies have been so bad that he has been waking up coughing during the night. I didn't want them to have to worry about that so we just picked him up about 9:30 p.m.
He was still so excited!

After we dropped Dane off Dave and I headed out for the night. We went to dinner at the Cheesecake Factory, walked around Galleria finding a few summer outfits, then we went to Lowes to get landscaping stuff, and ended up at Dairy Queen before picking up Dane.
Dane was sleeping when we got there. We know he had a great time! He sure hopes Uncle T.J. and Aunt Ashley want to do it again, especially if he can spend the night next time!
The Whole Crew

Uncle T.J. and Claire

Uncle T.J. and Dane playing

Hanging out with Taylor

Ashley's sister came over to hangout as well.
Wow, sleeping bags and toys everywhere!

Delaney and Claire
(They look like they have matching outfits on)

Dave, Dane, and I came back to Mama and Papa's house. Dane only woke up once and I patted his back and he went right back to sleep...he could have totally stayed at Uncle T.J.'s and Aunt Ashley's house. Sunday morning we got up and Papa made pancakes for breakfast, which Dane loved!

We headed back home about 11:00 because we had BBQing and boating plans with friends.
I looked in the backseat to see if Dane was asleep and his feet must have been hot because he was sound sleep with his socks off! What cute little feet!

It was funny because on the way home I told Dave how excited I was about our first summer at Lake Forest. He told me that it was not our first summer, we moved in last April. Well, yes we did. I got to thinking about why I don't remember it. I remember lots of rainy weekends, I remember having baby showers and doing lots to get ready for our sweet Baby Dane, and I remember being very tired all the time. Also our very good friends, Troy and Vicki, that live in Lake Forest as well had a baby boy last May. So at the beginning of the summer she had a newborn and at the end of the summer I had a newborn, we just didn't do much.
This year we have already started having fun! Friday night Dane and I went down to Troy and Vicki's house because Dave had worked a double and had to sleep. Aiden and Tyler entertained Dane while Vicki and I hung out and talked. Then Saturday morning we met at 10:00 and took a long walk with the boys. We also made plans to meet Sunday for BBQing and boating. We all had a blast and can't wait for many more days like this!
Dave, Dane, Tyler, and the dog Zeke. Dane loves dogs!

Even with his allergies, Dane loves to be outside.

Troy and Vicki live on the water and have a boat so we got ready for a boatride. We laughed because Troy and Vicki said just a couple of years ago they would have been flying around the lake with no top on the boat and suntan oil on. Today we putted around and had the top on so the babies that we had lathered the highest SPF sunscreen we had on kept shaded.
It was a wonderful afternoon and it was beautiful out!

Our first boat ride as a family!

Playing with Daddy

Watching the water

Aiden, born May 6, 2009 and Dane, July 21, 2009

The boat ride totally relaxed Dane!

What a great weekend!
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