We took advantage of the warm weather and took a walk around the lake. As I put Dane in the stroller I got to thinking that this was our first walk with Dane not in his infant seat. In his infant seat he faced me. Now he was facing forward. He seemed to love it. He jabbered the whole walk. I kept stopping and coming around front to look at him. He was just looking all over with a big smile on his face.
What a big boy!

One afternoon we also put together his push and ride toy that Aunt Tammy gave him for Christmas. I put him on it and he hung out for a bit watching Baby Einstein. (Look at the little bandaid on his chubby little leg from his H1N1 vaccination he got Monday morning) I pushed him back and forth and he held on. He isn't pushing himself quite yet or holding onto the handle bar and walking behind it, but I am sure he will be in no time! He also doesn't know what to do when he is done. He just fell off sideways!
I also love that since the weather is getting warmer he can take a nap or sleep in a little onesie. His little legs are just so cute and chubby and he curls up and crosses his legs. How adorable!
The weather this weekend is supposed to be beautiful. The 10 day forecast didn't look bad at all either! We are ready for walks and time outside in the swing.
Dave and I are also especially looking forward to Saturday night when Uncle T.J. and Aunt Ashley are having ALL of their nieces and nephews over for a get together and slumber party so the parents can all have a night out!
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