I HATE the week of transition between the two!
We have had a different kind of week around here! There was a classroom to set up, dates with friends, meetings, overtime shifts, a haircut appointment, all while trying to enjoy our last full week of summer.
I have to be honest, my week started out bad Sunday night at 11:00 p.m. Day by day throughout the week I found myself getting more stressed and grouchier. Tonight I thought about how lucky Dane and I are to have such a great guy with us!
So after just 4 hours of sleep Dave gets up and
takes Dane out to play in his pool while I head to my meeting.
They had a good afternoon together!
After my meeting I went by my classroom and got a bit more stressed as I had so much work to do. I headed home to play with Dane so Dave could get a bit more sleep. Before Dave heads to bed we discuss the rest of the week....I had a dinner date planned with a friend Tuesday night and a dinner date planned with a friend Friday night and I had soooo much to do in my classroom. Then Dave tells me that he is working a 16 hour shift on Thursday. I figured I would just cancel my dinner plans so I could get some work done in my classroom. Dave insisted that I keep my plans and said not to worry about my classroom, we would get it ready!Tuesday and Wednesday were incredibly hot! Tuesday when Dane and I got up I thought we would head into school for a bit and see if we could get some work done. What a mistake! The little guy went crazy in my classroom. He was pulling on posters as I put them on the walls. I would put a chair under a desk and he would pull it right back out. He got tangled in bulletin board border. It was just terrible. After 45 minutes I couldn't take it and we came home. When Dave got up I was just a tad grouchy. I thought about cancelling my plans to go work in my classroom, but once again Dave told me to go to dinner and we would get my classroom done. So I headed to Tractors in Perryville where I met a good friend that I hadn't seen in a looooong time. We had a great dinner and talked a ton. It was so nice!
Wednesday I had a haircut appointment in Ste Gen. Dave got up about 12:00 so I could head to my appointment. It was a nice, quiet, relaxing two hours, but as soon as it was over I headed to school to try to do a bit in my classroom. I worked a couple of hours before heading home to have dinner with Dave and Dane.
Thursday was a looooong day for all three of us! Dave worked 16 hours. Dane and I tried to go work at school again, but he is such a BUSY BOY! I just could not get anything done with him. We headed home and spent some time playing in the basement, taking a wagon ride, and playing in the pool.

Friday Dave got some sleep and Dane took a long nap. They were both very happy when I headed out the door at 3:00. I was determined not to think about my classroom for the evening, but went to enjoy Tax Free shopping and dinner with my best friend! Dinner was wonderful.....I again enjoyed a good long talk with an amazing friend. I think the only reason we are not still there talking is because we felt bad for taking up a table on a Friday night. And, though the mall parking lot looked pretty much like it does the day after Thanksgiving I was able to get in and get a couple of adorable little outfits for Dane, Tax Free!
Dave said Dane and him had the BEST night. They went out for Mexican in Ste Gen. Dane loved his cheese quesadilla. He was so happy and laughed and played all night!

This morning Dave headed out to mow as early as he could without disturbing neighbors. I played with Dane and got ready to head into school. I spent most of the day at work and just have finishing touches to do which I can finish sometime before Open House on Wednesday night.
Tomorrow is Sunday and we are definitely calling it a day of rest! We just plan to enjoy the day together. Maybe a trip to the pool, out on the boat, or playtime in the backyard.
Dane and I are so, so glad that we have Dave. Never gets stressed and keeps me from getting too stressed! The week is over and the classroom is almost ready, dinner dates were NEEDED and were a BLAST, hair appointment is done, overtime shift is over, and we survived our week of transition.
What a crazy week! Now to just get through Open House, the first week of school, and starting a new daycare!
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