he cried when Darnel had to leave for a bit to run to Target with Taylor.
Dane always has a ball at their house.
Aunt Amy, Uncle Darnel, and the kids went over to Mama and Papa's in the evening. Dane loved the mostachelli they had for dinner.

He spent some time playing with a 12 pack of Diet Mountain Dew.

Once again Dane was glued to his Papa this weekend. When we called to say we were on our way up on Sunday morning Dane was taking his morning nap on Papa.

Thank you so, so much for keeping our little guy!
Friday we got our Family Pictures that we had taken last weekend.
Friday we got our Family Pictures that we had taken last weekend.
It is funny that when I say I have 4 sisters and 1 brother
people can't believe I come from such a big family.
It keeps growing!
The 6 kids!
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