Saturday we spent the day getting Dane prepared to start daycare. His first day at his new daycare will be August 10
th. Saturday morning I went through his clothes to see what he had and what he needed. We headed out after lunch to get the little guy set up. We got the diapers, got the baby wipes, and a couple of outfits. I didn't enjoy buying size 18 month clothes. They all looked so big. I tried them on him when we got home and he will have to do some growing for them, but I am sure by fall they will be a perfect fit!
Today we were waiting to see if the temperature was bearable to decide what to do. Dave went out about 11:00 and it seemed pretty nice. After we had lunch we got our swimsuits on and went out on the boat.
Dane loves to sit on his Daddy's lap while he drives the boat.
He has learned how to honk the horn on the boat which he loves to do.

Hanging out on the boat!

Daddy and Dane went swimming in the lake for a bit.

After his swim he had a little snack.
He got new snack containers for his birthday.
He loves holding his own snack bowl.

Having a Capri Sun.
Getting to be such a big boy!

We were on our way back to the Marina when we saw the Deters at the beach.
We got the boat out and walked over to the beach to hang out a bit.
Dane didn't like the sand on his feet at first, but soon loved it!

Once at home, mommy and Dane took an afternoon nap and
Daddy grilled a roast on the grill for dinner.
Dane got a bath, read some books, and is now sleeping soundly.
What a great weekend!
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