Tuesday, August 17, 2010

School Nights...Yuck!

Well we are back into the school night routine. I hate having to rush around in the evenings....figure out what to have for dinner, then make it, papers to grade, house to straighten up, dishes to do, outfits to iron, and really all I want to do is hang out with my two favorite people.

I am sooooo excited about the new plan in our house, which makes my nights so much easier and more enjoyable. We have planned out all of our meals for the next two weeks. Last weekend one of our big events was to make our grocery list based on what we were having for dinner the next two weeks and go shopping. We spent so much LESS than we ever do at the grocery store. I was amazed! There are several things that I can put together after Dane goes to bed and it takes me a lot less time because I am not trying to entertain him while I do it. I just made up tomorrow night's dinner and it took me 10 minutes! Now all I have to do when I walk in tomorrow night is preheat the oven and cook it for 30 minutes! It is so nice! I am hoping I can keep it up.

This should be motivation enough for me.
A sweet, freshly bathed, lotioned, baby boy to read a bedtime story to!

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