Dane was all ready for the Homecoming festivities. He looked so cute in his little jersey. Dave kept saying that in 15 years he will be wearing a real Ste. Gen football jersey.
I would take it away from him and give him a small toy to hold in the car.
He would grab the football and carry it to the door.
I finally put it down, grabbed him, and out we went with just a little bit of crying.
Too bad Dave and I have to eat it all!
Daddy and Dane waiting for the parade
Dane and Mommy in our Ste Gen jerseys
Dane loved when the cheerleaders cheered.
and he would dance when a band came by.
The floats were pretty neat.....

Daddy and Dane waiting for the parade
then went to a park to eat and play before the game.

Heading to the football game!
We had a great time at the football game, even though we lost, again. Dane loves to watch the football players, the band, cheerleaders, and the kids who constantly run up and say, "Mrs. Evelsizer, is that your baby? He is so cute!" He smiles to everyone!
As we left the game I was feeling just a little old. My first students at Ste Gen are now seniors. One of my past students was crowned Homecoming Queen at the football game.
I can't believe how fast the time has gone.
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