I was off work on Friday so Dave and I could take Dane to his 6 month checkup. Dane was in the best mood. Dr. Andersen played with him and he laughed and flirted with her. He showed off his skill of sitting up on his own. She said he was perfect! Dane weighed in at 19lbs, 6 oz! We laughed because he was 80% for weight and 30% for height. Wow, what a big boy! He is just solid!
It was funny because the nurse took us down the hall to weigh him and when she said, "19lbs, 6 oz", Dr. Andersen stuck her head out of her office and said, "Oh my, did you say Dane weighs 18lbs!". She about fell over when we said, "No 19!" Quite a change from that scrawny little boy that had to go to the Dr. every week for the first month of his life because he wasn't gaining weight.
I just hate it when he gets his shots because every single time he lays on the table at the Dr. he looks at himself in the mirror and laughs and smiles. He has no idea what is going to happen. Luckily Dave was with us this time and he rubbed Dane's head during the shots. Dane really only cries for a minute, once I pick him up he calms down pretty quick.
Dr. Andersen said we should add meat to Dane's diet now and get ready to move him to the next carseat. I can't believe that next time we go to the Dr. Dane will be 9 months old.
We then celebrated Dane's 6 months by spending the afternoon with Mama, Aunt Amy, Aunt Katie, and Trey. We had lunch at St. Louis Bread Company, then went shopping. We picked up the meats for Dane-Chicken and Apples, Sweet Potatoes and Turkey, and Vegetables and Beef.
Aunt Amy then introduced me to clearance shopping. I absolutely HATE clearance shopping. I just want to go in and get what I want when I want it. You would think I have money or something. Amy is a bargain shopper. She is always buying for her kids for the next season. We went to Target, Old Navy, and Childrens Place and because of Amy I got a TON of stuff for Dane and probably didn't spend $30. At Old Navy all of the clearance stuff was an additional 50% off. I got shirts for $0.97! My total was $8 for 7 shirts! I also got a pair of shoes at Target for $1.78! Amy helped me decide what size to get for Dane of certain things and told me certain things not to buy because it is too hard to figure out when they will be in a certain size. The only problem is
I came home with this stuff and it is so cute I want him to be able to wear it now, not next fall!
Friday night Dave had to head back to Ste. Gen and I was having a "Girls Night Out" with the teachers from Ste Gen at Westport. Dane stayed with Mama and Papa. He had fun and they sent me pictures of my little guy throughout the night. I sent them a text at one point asking if he missed me and they said, "No. He is getting lots of love, even from Molly". Molly is their dog. When I got home and asked how things went Mama said she had just put Dane to bed. I about died, but then she said he was just so cute he had to hold him for a while.
Saturday morning Aunt Katie came over to take some 6 month pictures of Dane. I wanted to take some pictures of Dane in his camo for Dave. I think they turned out pretty cute! He really is quite adorable!

It was funny because the nurse took us down the hall to weigh him and when she said, "19lbs, 6 oz", Dr. Andersen stuck her head out of her office and said, "Oh my, did you say Dane weighs 18lbs!". She about fell over when we said, "No 19!" Quite a change from that scrawny little boy that had to go to the Dr. every week for the first month of his life because he wasn't gaining weight.
I just hate it when he gets his shots because every single time he lays on the table at the Dr. he looks at himself in the mirror and laughs and smiles. He has no idea what is going to happen. Luckily Dave was with us this time and he rubbed Dane's head during the shots. Dane really only cries for a minute, once I pick him up he calms down pretty quick.
Dr. Andersen said we should add meat to Dane's diet now and get ready to move him to the next carseat. I can't believe that next time we go to the Dr. Dane will be 9 months old.
We then celebrated Dane's 6 months by spending the afternoon with Mama, Aunt Amy, Aunt Katie, and Trey. We had lunch at St. Louis Bread Company, then went shopping. We picked up the meats for Dane-Chicken and Apples, Sweet Potatoes and Turkey, and Vegetables and Beef.
Aunt Amy then introduced me to clearance shopping. I absolutely HATE clearance shopping. I just want to go in and get what I want when I want it. You would think I have money or something. Amy is a bargain shopper. She is always buying for her kids for the next season. We went to Target, Old Navy, and Childrens Place and because of Amy I got a TON of stuff for Dane and probably didn't spend $30. At Old Navy all of the clearance stuff was an additional 50% off. I got shirts for $0.97! My total was $8 for 7 shirts! I also got a pair of shoes at Target for $1.78! Amy helped me decide what size to get for Dane of certain things and told me certain things not to buy because it is too hard to figure out when they will be in a certain size. The only problem is
I came home with this stuff and it is so cute I want him to be able to wear it now, not next fall!
Friday night Dave had to head back to Ste. Gen and I was having a "Girls Night Out" with the teachers from Ste Gen at Westport. Dane stayed with Mama and Papa. He had fun and they sent me pictures of my little guy throughout the night. I sent them a text at one point asking if he missed me and they said, "No. He is getting lots of love, even from Molly". Molly is their dog. When I got home and asked how things went Mama said she had just put Dane to bed. I about died, but then she said he was just so cute he had to hold him for a while.
Saturday morning Aunt Katie came over to take some 6 month pictures of Dane. I wanted to take some pictures of Dane in his camo for Dave. I think they turned out pretty cute! He really is quite adorable!
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