Dane did sleep a little later than usual. He woke up in his usual cheerful mood about 6:30. Since it was so cold I kept him in his little fleece, footed sleeper for a bit and then when I changed him out of that I changed him into another footed outfit. We were comfy all day!
A snow day was the perfect time to show Dane his new sippy cup that he got in his stocking. I put just a tiny bit of water in it. I held it and pretended to drink out of it, then gave it to Dane. He did a great job holding it and putting it in his mouth. I am not sure he tipped it back enough to get a drink, but then I helped him a bit and I think he got something out. We will be practicing for a while.
He is looking at me asking, "Is this right?"
As much as I enjoy days like this I have to admit, I am exhausted! How does Miss Sue do it everyday?? By 9:00 we had played with an entire basket of toys and read 6 books. It is amazing how much he has changed in the last month. He loves to play with his toys. I think it is funny, when I would put him on his tummy he would work so hard to roll over. Now I put him on his back and he immediately flips over. He kicks his little legs and will work really hard to get toys that I put in front of him. I am sure I will be chasing a crawling baby in just a few months.
In my pjs and playing with mom in the middle of the day??
I LOVE snow days!
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