We spent New Years as a family. My parents had a little family New Years Eve party at their house. We were there, along with my sister, Amy, and her family, and Aunt Katie stopped by for a visit before her night out. We had appetizers and had a fun night of Wii playing and movie watching. There was a point when I thought I might not make it to midnight, but I did.
New Years Eve
The Frost kids along with Dave, Dane, and I had spent the night. Papa got up and made breakfast for all of us. Aunt Katie came over for breakfast. Aunt Amy and Uncle Darnel enjoyed their morning of sleeping late with no kids at home and came in a little later, along with Aunt Kara, Uncle Steve, and Claire. We hung out and ate and watched football all day. It was so nice and relaxing because it was freezing cold outside and even snowed a bit. I actually stayed in my pjs all day until mom and I decided to run to Walmart for some Tylenol in case Dane's teeth bothered him over night. While we were out we picked up the movie The Proposal and Mama, Papa, Dave, and I watched it in the evening.
I will have to let Miss Sue know that if Dane is spoiled when he goes back on Monday it is not only my fault. Mama and Dane took a nap together on New Years Day. Dane slept for quite a bit.
Saturday morning Dane slept until 7:30! We got up and hung out at Mama and Papa's, then Dave and I got ready for a little time out. Mama and Papa babysat Dane and Dave and I went out for the afternoon. We were going to go see a movie, but decided not to. We ended up just walking around the mall and hanging out. We headed back to Mama and Papa's house around dinner time. After dinner and watching a little football we headed back home so we could spend all day Sunday getting ready to get back into our routine on Monday morning!
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