January- The first month of the year was a bit rough for me, I was sick pretty much 24 hours a day. However, we heard Sweet Baby Dane's heartbeat for the first time.
February- In February we got a call that we had an offer on our house. This was a bit of a surprise since they had not shown our house in at least two months. We were excited about an offer, but we tried to contain ourselves to see what exactly would happen.
Sweet Baby Claire was born on February 15th. Proud Parents- Steve and Kara Emerson. We were excited to have another niece and the Frost kids were so excited to finally have a cousin.
All the girls with Kara and Claire

March-I remember March 4th like it was yesterday. It was a GREAT, but EXHAUSTING day. Dave picked me up at noon from school and we headed up to the dr. We met with my dr first, then headed over for the big ultrasound. We found out that we were having a sweet baby boy. The ultrasound looked perfect. We called family and stopped by my parents to share the news. We then headed back down 55 and stopped in Ste Genevieve to make an offer on a house. Such a full day!
It's a boy!
On March 30th we closed on our house in Chester. I remember coming home and Dave saying, "Well we are officially homeless. We just sold our house in Chester and haven't officially bought our house in Ste. Genevieve yet. On March 31st we signed the papers for our house in Ste. Genevieve. Our house in Chester had been on the market for EXACTLY two years.
April- Dave and I headed to the doctor on Friday of the weekend that we were moving. The dr looked at Dave and said, "She is to supervise only." I could definitely handle that. With the help of family and friends we were in our house in record time.
Our house in Ste. Genevieve, MO
May- With so many big events going on this pregnancy was going very fast. In May my brother married Ashley. It was a great day! We had beautiful weather, lots of family and friends, and a lot of fun. Plus we got to add another girl to our Rau Girls Club.
June- In June I had three baby showers! I think there was only one weekend when I didn't have one. My best friends, Rhonda and Jesika, threw a shower in Ste Genevieve for all of my friends down this way. Then my sisters threw a shower for me in St. Louis for my family and friends in St. Louis. My last shower was the traditional shower thrown at my Grandma's house for family.
Shower at mom's
Rhonda, Jesika, and I
Check out Katie's Blog
PreInduction Girls Night Out http://katiesfavphotos.blogspot.com/2009/07/totally-normal.html
Amy's Blog
Our sweet baby boy was born at 5:29 p.m. on July 21, 2009. The best day ever!
August- Dave and I were both on leave from work for the month (well I was off longer than the month). We spent the month hanging out with our little man. We had weekly dr appointments because he wasn't gaining weight as quickly as he should have been (you would never know that now!) We spent some time taking rides since we couldn't really go anywhere. We had LOTS of visits from family and friends.
Dane-One month
(hard to believe those newborn clothes were big on him)
September- I was still on maternity leave so Dane and I spent our days together. We would play and take LONG walks around the lake. We spent some days with Rhonda and Thomas and Kara and Claire.
Dane is two months old
October- On October 1st I went back to work. I hated leaving Dane everyday, but I was able to find the most amazing babysitter.
Dane is three months old
November- Dane was baptized at Kirkwood United Methodist Church
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