Christmas Eve-Rau Family Christmas PartyChristmas Eve is the Rau Family Christmas Party at my mom and dad's house. My Uncle Chris, Aunt Janice, and my cousins come for dinner and gifts. Dave had to work until 3:00 p.m. Christmas Eve so Dane and I headed up to St. Louis in the morning to spend the day helping my mom get ready for the party. It was a rainy, nasty day out so Dane came in his Christmas Sleeper to relax. He was so good and just hung out while my mom and I wrapped last minute gifts and worked on food for the party.
Hanging out at Mama and Papa's house waiting for the fun to begin.

The Frost Family was one of the first to arrive. The kids were all decked out for Christmas and looked so cute!

Trey is completely obsessed with Christmas and Santa. Last year he used this silver sleigh that my sister used for her Christmas cards. He would put
antlers on the dog. It was a struggle all season for my sister to keep her card display and to try to protect the dog. This year my sister gave him the sleigh. Trey then found this Santa puppet. Now he only needed reindeer. Low and behold he finds this pink pig that the antlers fit perfectly on and then the pig fits perfectly with the sleigh. He says, "HO HO HO, Merry Christmas" in his deepest voice and flies the sleigh around the room. He takes this sleigh and pig everywhere with him. So cute!

All of the cousins (missing Claire) ready for the night!

Our Christmas Eve Family Picture

Since it was Dane's first Christmas we had to get one by the tree as well.

Uncle Chris and Aunt Janice gave Dane a blanket with his name monogrammed on it. I LOVE
monogramming so it was the perfect gift for Dane!

Tom joined us this year for Christmas

All of the
Rau cousins (missing Kara)

A Family Tradition- On Christmas Eve for as long as I can remember we have gotten one gift from my parents, Christmas
PJs. We wear them to bed and to open gifts the next morning. Husbands, boyfriends, and grandchildren get
PJs as well. Dane got his first pair of Christmas
PJs.....he had to be given them a little early because he was starting to fall asleep.
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