There is so much to remember about Dane's First Christmas. We have had a wonderful time with family the past few days. It is amazing how much our little guy added to the festivities. I love having him join in on our many family traditions as well as making our own with him.
Our First Family Christmas with Dane!We started last Tuesday evening having Christmas at home with our little family. I know he had no idea what we were doing, but Dave and I had a lot of fun opening gifts with him.
Waiting to open!

I am ready!

Dane loved it when I put a gift in front of him. He enjoyed just looking at the presents all wrapped up!

Dane helped tear the paper to open the gifts.

I don't know how many years I can get away with this, but we got him were books and
CDs, then just one toy. He gave him a big smile when I would get so excited and tell him what he got!

Looking at his pack of 8

He seems interested in this bigger gift.

The Lights and Sound Ball that mommy and daddy got him.

It was neat to see gifts under the tree with tags that said, "To Daddy, Love Dane and Mommy". We got Daddy a Columbia Sweatshirt and the
Zac Brown CD.

There were also gifts with tags that said, "To Mommy, Love Dane and Daddy". I got a North Face jacket and some
underarmour shirts.

Dane played with his gifts for a few minutes, then decided to play with Daddy's nose!
Evelsizer ChristmasThe 23rd started Christmas celebrations with family. We hosted Evelsizer Christmas at our house. Thanks to Daddy he got all of the food ready while Mommy ran Dane to the doctor to get a cough checked out. The doctors said it was just a cold so we headed home to celebrate and pulled in just behind the family.
Aunt Lisa, Uncle Chris, and Mitchell were excited to see Dane.

Dane showed his guests his newest trick of rolling from back to stomach.

Dane was happy and playing

Evelsizer and Dane

When it was time to open up gifts Dane helped Mommy.

Dane opening his stacking cups from Aunt Lisa, Uncle Chris, and Mitchell

A Christmas Bear from Grandma and Grandpa
We had a great time with the
Evelsizer Family. Dane and Mommy took a long nap after the Christmas celebration.
More Christmas fun on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day....coming soon.
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