Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Jumping Around!

Now that Dane is almost 5 months old I thought I could finally try to get workingout back into my daily schedule. I used to wake up at 4:30 and head to the gym. Now 4:30 is a little too early for me when I really can't take my evening nap about 7:00 every evening, plus the gym used to be two minutes away and it is now 15 minutes. Dave and I eventually plan to take Dane with us to the gym in the evenings. He can stay at the Tot Drop while we workout or if I walk the track I can take the stroller and he came walk with me. Right now with it flu season and since he is still so young I am waiting to do that until the spring.

I am now on Day 3 of the 30 Day Shred. It is rough. I worked out for a couple of months when I was pregnant, but took it very easy. I did a lot of walking. I can sure tell that I have taken a year break from my strenuous workouts. However, I am sticking to it. I feel good....hoping to feel skinny in 30 days! I will let you know!

My little man seems to enjoy our workout times in the basement. He seems to be getting quite the workout as well.

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