This weekend was full of Christmas activities. We headed up to St. Louis early Saturday morning. We had an appointment at 9:30 to get pictures taken of all of the grandchildren as a St. Nick gift to my mom and dad. I was a little nervous because Dane eats at 10:00 and I was hoping he wouldn't have a meltdown right at the time to take pictures. It worked out well because he fell asleep in the car and slept most of the way up to St. Louis. He was in a good mood for the pictures and though he didn't give us a big smile he was still happy and looked adorable. The photographer took a few individual shots as well the big group picture of the grandkids. I hadn't planned to buy any, but they turned out pretty good so I got a couple.

It was fun to get a picture of all of the kids together. Taylor (13), Delaney (7), Trey (4), Claire (10 months) and Dane (4 1/2 months)

My mom and dad were very surprised and loved the picture. Our cell phones were ringing continuously while we were getting the picture taken because we were all supposed to be spending the day at my mom and dads making Christmas ornaments and my mom was wondering where we were.
We headed to mom and dads as soon as we finished with the pictures and started the ornament making. They turned out really cute and we had a great time. I don't know how many my mom got made because it seemed she was constantly holding a grandkid or getting them something.
I had planned to head back home about 4:30 or so. Dave had fire class all day and hadn't been feeling well much of the week so I ended up calling him and telling him to rest and lay around all evening and we stayed at mom and dads a little longer. My sister, Amy, had a cookie exchange on Sunday that she needed cake balls for. We made four different batches of cake balls Saturday evening. It was a blast and we think we finally figured out the best way to dip them so we will be making more!
Today was Dane's first daycare Christmas party! We headed over to one of the family's house for a gift exchange, snacks, and hanging out. I took some of the cake balls from Saturday night and they were a hit! The families from the daycare got together and got Sue a calendar with all of the kids pictures on it and gift cards. Each kid brought a present and instead of having a gift exchange we bought gifts for the daycare.
Dane's present. I had no idea what to get so I ended up getting playdoh and cookie cutters.

Dane must have had a great time! He fell asleep after being there about an hour and sleep for about two hours!

Sue gave all of the kids in the daycare a gift! Dane got a little dump truck that he can stack blocks on and they dump off. He seemed to have a great time with it already! It is his first toy!

It was a fun party. Even though Dane couldn't unwrap his gift or play with the kids yet it was neat to see him watch all of the kids play and to hear all of the kids call him, "Baby Dane".
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